Its been a while...

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Sorry its been ages since I've written...I feel like I go through periods where I have this burning desire to write several times a day and then I forget about you...and leave you hanging for weeks on end, unattended to. I'm sorry for that.

So a quick little summer update...the indie film I was helping out on finished filming. I started taking a screenwriting class--which is stressing me out a tad. Its hard to come up with one idea and stick with it. Every time I start working on it, I think of some other idea and open a word document and start working on that instead. Its quite exasperating. I can't stick to something! I'm supposedly filming a soft core porno next week...we'll see how that goes. Hanging out with a new boy I think. The bar is ridiculously slow, its painful to work these days. Umm that is about it. I will try to write again soon about something more legitimate. Okay talk later. Ciao. Gotta run off to my horribly slow job....where I'll likely make nothing in tips and simply waste my time.


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