Okay so this weekend, my friend Amy and I decided we wanted to go out again for a night on the town. It was a long weekend, so it seemed like a great opportunity to go clubbing in Hollywood. So Amy looked up a list of places and we chose a random one off the list, it had a funky name, Ultra Suede...sounded like it might be fun.
So along with our friend, Sonya, we ventured to West Hollywood to Ultra Suede. It should have been a red flag when as we pulled up, there was a half naked guy with a bright blue mohawk wig standing in front....he had on some strange little loin cloth type outfit. Again, when we showed up IDs to the bouncer, he questioned us..."you guys here for Cherry Pop?" We didn't know what that was, but played along.
So we pay and go in. Immediately we see guys in itty bitty underwear standing on platforms dancing. All around us are well-dressed, attractive guys. We had somehow wound up at a gay nightclub. But we had already paid so decided to stay and get some drinks. We ended up dancing the night away--two hours nonstop literally! It was a lot of fun and we definitely got a lot of laughs from the experience.
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