STD=Badge of Honor??

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I read this article today about a study done in Sweden in which males between the ages of 16 and 34 claimed that contracting an STD made them feel more like a man. Many, apparently, see it as a symbol of sexual success and power.

Are they CRAZY?!? This is the most out of whack thinking I have ever heard. An STD, to me, is a symbol of stupidity--because these people didn't even know how to protect themselves from disease!

The article states that some girls worry about "upsetting" a guy, by asking him to wear a condom--and to these girls, I'd say, you are more worried about what he will think of you then asking a simple question that could spare you a lifetime of humiliation!? Because I think you will upset future guys a lot more when you tell them you have an STD because you were too stupid to ask him to wear a condom!


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