Ask Lauren

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I think its really funny that I seem to be the one people go to when they have relationship or guy/girl advice. I mean, I've only had one really serious relationship, and yet, I guess I give good perspective because people keep coming back for more. Haha. I like it though, I enjoy being able to help.

Recently, one of my friends texted me saying that a girl had given him her number the previous night at a party. He asked me if he should ask her out to coffee. I said definitely yes, after all, what have you got to lose!

I recommended texting which is less forward than a call, plus it gives the girl time to think. I never pick up numbers I don't a text is a good plan in this case.

I also suggested that he not specify a day and time to get together but to leave it more open, such as, "Hey! I had a lot of fun talking to you last night, would you like to get coffee sometime this week when you are free?" It can be confusing when you ask her out for coffee on Thursday at 2pm because the girl might say she has class...and you don't know if she is just saying this to get out of seeing you or if she really does have class (but would like to go out with you another time). So asking in an open-ended fashion is a good way to go.

FYI, girls like to be asked out, even if they decide to say no in the end. The timing might not be right or they really just might not be interested. But that doesn't change the fact that they, more often than not, appreciate the bravery and open interest. So don't be shy to ask!


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