Let's Sound It Out Together

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This morning, I had my first day at West Vernon elementary school helping out with literacy. I am in a 1st grade class room and the kids are absolutely adorable!

My job in the classroom is to help out during reading time. While the teacher instructs the class, I take the kids to the back of the room one at a time to practice reading with them.

One little girl, would read with her face practically touching the paper...she would get closer and closer to a word as she tried to sound it out. The longer it took her, the closer to the paper she'd get. Another boy was great, but he could not get the plural Ss at the end of words! He skipped it every time.

All in all, I was actually pretty impressed with them. One little girl missed words frequently, but she always noticed when she misread it (without me telling her) and she'd go back and correct herself. She was so proud when she got it right, she'd smile really big--revealing her missing front four teeth! Adorable.

I can't wait to see them again Wednesday :)

I wish I was able to have two careers....one with kids and one in film!


Riff Dog said...

I love kids that age. They really are so freaking cute.

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