Please boys, take a hint

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Okay so I already spoke earlier about the dude who kept using the "gorgeous" and "babe" speech. But I felt I should follow up on that story since this is kind of comedic...

So just a re-cap for those who didn't read my post below...met a dorky guy at a club, accidentally gave him my number. We chatted via facebook for a while and he seemed like a sweet kid, then he asked me to dinner, I said yes and he immediately started acting all cocky and texting me all day using sappy language. So I told him I couldn't go out (told him I didn't feel well, which wasn't a lie).

ANYWAYS, he keeps texting me all the time anyways. Then last night I get this:

"What's ur fav romantic movie? Frozen yogurt flavor and topping? Personal trait? Biggest turn off? the most memorable thing Ive said 2 u? Do u like surprises?"

I responded because I'm a nice person and hate ignoring people:

"When Harry Met Sally (I like Gone with the Wind and Casablanca but both of those end sadly); vanilla with oreo; ambition; baby talk; ha dunno; hate surprises"

He asks some more questions but I don't respond (I'm busy getting ready to go out)...Then 40 minutes later I notice that I have gotten 4 texts from him...

"I gotta be random w u. u don't respond well 2 blantant interest, prob bc bar/club exp. has told u tat bc ur cute, guys will do anything 2 get w u."

"Eh, im not tat way, but doesnt every1 say that? 1 want 2 get 2 kno u really. im in the same boat, very focused on my future, but u seem worth gettin 2 kno.

"So im jst havin fun askin u random questions that pop in2 my head. like: fav hobby? what made you fall in love? how many kids do u want? Fav restaurant?"

"I don't think you like it when im very open like that? I dont kno why. It wud be nice 2 kno what goes on in ur head."

I was kind of lost by all that but responded saying:

"Woah that was a lot of texts. I appreciate your honesty and interest but I really am not interested in you in that kind of way (aka romantic way), you are very nice and sweet but I don't want to lead you on."

So then he immediately goes on the defensive and I get these series of texts...literally one after the other...

"No prob, I actually appreciate the honesty. yeah I felt the same way, but figured i didn't want 2 make a call on it til i actually hung out w u once."

...Few minutes later...

"I always try 2 give ppl a very good chance before I decide. Would hate 2 misjudge someone's potential."

Me: No worries

"No prob, haha, its okay...I already knew we weren't gonna work; totally diff ppl, but great in our own ways. Tkae care babe. Hope u get everything u want in life."

So I thought that was the end of it...but then I get a FB CHAT from him.

Him: Hey thought this would be easier to chat on! So were you ever interested in me? Like when you met me at Hwood? I have a hard time knowing when girls are flirting with me or not...I was in a relationship that ended 2.5 mo ago and so I'm a little slow on this stuff right now.

Me: I flirt with everyone. Girls included.

Him: Haha, that should be your pickup line! I hear a lot of guys are into that...not me, I think its really gross when girls make out...but some guys think its really hot. Don't really understand why.

Me: Ummmm, I'm bi

Him: Oh really??
Well I actually have a lot of friends who are bi, believe it or not.
I'm not homophobic, I'm actually pretty liberal socially.........

I let him suffer for a while before telling him I wasn't really bi.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is wow! I dont think I have ever met anyone so clingy, lol! I remember dating some girls that were a bit on the clingy side too, but I actually went on a date with them...this is just ridiculous, haha! Good story though, I enjoyed it :)

Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Hahaha, you were right about this guy being creepy. But we've all been there. You captured a boy trying to spare his opwn blushes brilliantly. Consider yourself followed (though I think the blog should be ENTIRELY about the losers you meet).

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